Just as Hippocrates said “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.
When your family is sick, we will do anything to help them feel better and quick…well what is quicker than your fridge or cupboard! Next time you or someone close falls ill look to a quick God given remedy that just might help you in your time of need.
Home Remedies have been around for years, the best part is they are very cost effective and have virtually no side effects.
Help a Bee Sting Baking Soda
Cure hick ups Cream of Tarter
Stop nosebleeds in seconds Cayenne Pepper
Clear a Urinary Tract Infection Cranberry Juice
Clear Sinuses Horse Radish
Help Headaches behind your eyes Butter
Get rid of Phlegm & Joint pain Turmeric
A heart disease Oil EV Olive Oil
Help aid in colic in babies Chamomile Tea
Soothes sore muscles & motion sickness Ginger
Decrease swelling Cucumber
Helps cure Heart Burn Apple Cider Vinegar (brags)
Draws out Bacteria in a room Onions
Natures Anti-biotic Garlic
Daily dose of Calcium Sesame Seeds
Cure for Anemia Blackstrap Molasses
Aids in toothaches Clove
Draws out infection/impurities Cabbage
Absorbs Toxic sub and eliminates Distilled Water
Bone Builder in unborn children Lemon Juice
Helps get rid of stomach aches Peppermint Gum
A powerful Acidophilus when fermented Wheat Berries (see Rejuvilac recipe)
More specifics on these remedies to come...
I came to this class with my friend and found it to be a great help! Thank you for simple home remedies that I already have that aren't complicated! Thanks again Great class