Thursday, June 21, 2012

Raspberry Leaf Tea-Womans Tonic

RASPBERRY LEAF TEA-WOMANS TONIC Raspberries-Yummy and about 50% more antioxidents that strawberries have, but it isnt the delicous berry that is only good for you, it is the leaves. The Raspberry leaves that you can purchase for teas in the health food store are Rubis ideaus(latin name) these are usually a native to Europe and Asia but the Raspberries I grow in UT, I read are closely related so I use them if they haven't been sprayed. These leaves are full of vitamins including: A, B, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous and potassium. However the Main wonder of the RAPSBERRY LEAF is it is a Uterine Toner. If one has a prolapsed uterice it tightens it...too tight it loosens it. and it balances Hormones!!! What a wonderful Womans Tonic! For Balancing mentral cramps, helping with fertility to the pregnant mother...Helps to nurishing a growing baby, to enriching the breast milk, Brings in rich milk, help decrease transistion time during labor. Even helps the males ...for better performance, need I say more? Because it is so high in minerals, it can reduce mentral cramps, help to detoxify excess hormones which is helpful during times of menopause. We are bombarded by artificial estrogens on a daily basis from commercial meat and milk, plastics, food additives chemical fumes etc. These extra extrogens, along with too much unresolved stress over a lifetime are a major cause in drop of testosterone levels. HOW TO TAKE IT: Recommend 1 cup daily up to 3 cups if you are pregnant, nursing or going through mentapause. Biggest things it strengthens the uterine wall. Just last week I started drinking a lot of it and experienced cramping...I knew it was working, I have read about how if you have a prolapsed uterice your uterice will contract and you will experience cramping if you drink enough...this stuff is awesome! RASPBERRY LEAF TEA: 1 TBS Dried or 2 TBS fresh Herb 1 Cup of Water Steep at least 10-minutes Strain and Drink I give this to my kids all the time...I make the tea and use the tea in replace of water for apple complaints. HOW TO HARVEST: Those unwated shoots that grow everywhere are perfect to use, or wait until after your harvest is over and pull off the leaves. Wash them well and place between two screens outside for a few days until dry. Store for use.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Recipes: Healthy Snacks

Here are a few healthy snack alternatives including:
Ginger cookies- great for digestion
Yumus Hummus- Full of Protein, Calcium and immune booster
Incredible Hulk Chips- Kale is a nutrient rich food loaded with vitamins
Chocolate Tofu Mouse- Protein gold star food, so yummy and tastes like chocolate mouse!

ENJOY! Would love your comments on these snacks!

My kids love cookies, yet I don't love all of the sugar packed into those little treats, so I played around with a few recipes and came up with this kids love it and they can go through an entire batch in a day or two.

Ginger- cancer fighter, stomach aid and motion sickness wonder
Chia seed- Brain food and blood sugar balancer
Blackstrap Molasses- Energy booster, high in Iron and an Anemia aid!

Powerhouse Ginger Cookies
(Great for Nausea, Stomach aches)

2 cups Whole Wheat flour
2 cups white flour( or just use all wheat flour)
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp ginger (use 1 tsp fresh graded ginger or 1 1/2 tsp powdered)
1/2 tsp Nutmeg
1/2 tsp cinnamon
2 Tbs chia seed or flax seed (or 1 egg)

1 cup butter
1/2 cup Blackstrap molasses
1/2 cup Honey

Mix all dry ingredients then mix in the wet ingredients. If using this recipe for Nausea or stomach aches, add 1/2 cup of crystalized ginger cubes to dough)
Dough hould be slightly sticky but still be able to form a ball.
Roll into balls and roll into sugar.

Cook: 8 minutes at 350 then bring down temp to 170 degrees for 4-5 minutes.

My kids LOVE hummus! Just the other day after school I said to them we have yogurt or Hummus. "HUMMAS" they all yelled and jumped up and down. In the summer they eat it outside and have introduced this yummy snack to many of the neighbors. Don't doubt it until you try it!

Yummas Hummus
Full of Protein, Calcium and great to boost the immune system

1 can Garbanzo beans-drainer (or cook your own- even better)
1 clove garlic-pressed
4 tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
4 tsp Lemon Juice
1/2 tsp Salt

The above ingredients makes a basic Hummus, below are optional ingredients that make it even better.
1/2 tsp Tahini
1/2 tsp liquid Aminos (or soy sauce)
1/2 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar
Cilantro to taste
3 TBs Water (or more depending on how thick or thin you like it)

Add all to food processor and blend well. Great for cut veggies, apples or add as your spread onyour favorite sandwich.

Garlic-Natural antibiotic-kills bacteria and yeast from the body
Lemon-Digestion aid and liver tonic
Chickpeas-high in folic acid, Protein powerhouse and cholesterol lower
Cilantro-binds up Mercury and flushes it out of the body.

Incredible Hulk Chips
Or Kale chips

Salt (celitc sea salt is the best)

Wash and dry kale with salad spinner or blot dry. Cut off the spine and slice Kale into chip size pieces. Spread out on a cookie sheet, allowing space between the chips. Lightly spray with olive oil spray and sprinkle with salt.

Bake at 270 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Crunchy and fun to eat...kindof like a potato chip!

Kale is among the most nutrient rich foods and it is loaded with vitamin A,C, and calcium. Kale curbs overeating and strengthens the bones.
Celtic Salt- contains all 84 minerals- table salt is processed and strps all but 2 of the minerals leading to possible health issues.

Chocolate Tofu Mouse
1 pkg silken tofu
1/2 cup coco
1/3 cup Agave or Honey
1 Tbs vanilla

Blend well in a blender and enjoy! Wonderful with bananas or Apples. Grade a bar of Dark chocolate and add a few strawberries for a nice desert.

Tofu- a protein rich food made from curds of soybean milk. One to eat but in moderation. If you need a little more estrogen to balance out your hormones eat a bit more, soy contains estrogen.
Agave- The carbohydrate in agave nectar has a low glycemic index, which provides sweetness without the "sugar rush" and unhealthful blood sugar spike caused by many other sugars. Agave nectar is a delicious natural sugar alternative to replace high-glycemic and refined sugars.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Home Remedies 101

Just as Hippocrates said “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.
When your family is sick, we will do anything to help them feel better and quick…well what is quicker than your fridge or cupboard! Next time you or someone close falls ill look to a quick God given remedy that just might help you in your time of need.
Home Remedies have been around for years, the best part is they are very cost effective and have virtually no side effects.

Help a Bee Sting Baking Soda
Cure hick ups Cream of Tarter
Stop nosebleeds in seconds Cayenne Pepper
Clear a Urinary Tract Infection Cranberry Juice
Clear Sinuses Horse Radish
Help Headaches behind your eyes Butter
Get rid of Phlegm & Joint pain Turmeric
A heart disease Oil EV Olive Oil
Help aid in colic in babies Chamomile Tea
Soothes sore muscles & motion sickness Ginger
Decrease swelling Cucumber
Helps cure Heart Burn Apple Cider Vinegar (brags)
Draws out Bacteria in a room Onions
Natures Anti-biotic Garlic
Daily dose of Calcium Sesame Seeds
Cure for Anemia Blackstrap Molasses
Aids in toothaches Clove
Draws out infection/impurities Cabbage
Absorbs Toxic sub and eliminates Distilled Water
Bone Builder in unborn children Lemon Juice
Helps get rid of stomach aches Peppermint Gum
A powerful Acidophilus when fermented Wheat Berries (see Rejuvilac recipe)

More specifics on these remedies to come...

Saturday, March 5, 2011


By Peggy Tucker, Pleasant Hill, Missouri

For what purpose, do you suppose, did the Lord instruct us to use foods “in the season thereof” when He knew we would have available foods from climates around the globe in every season of the year? Section 86 of the Doctrine and Covenants, verse 2a, states, “…All wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man, every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof….” Section 59:4d declares “…all things which come of the earth, in the season thereof, are made for the benefit and use of man, both to please the eye, and to gladden the heart; yea, for food and for raiment, for taste and for smell, to strengthen the body, and to enliven the soul.” It is clear He had our best interests at heart.

What are the winter foods in Midwestern America? It was not so very many years ago that most farms had a root cellar. When freezing weather threatened, the last of the garden vegetables were harvested and carefully stored according to their particular need. In the cool damp part of the cellar were carrots, turnips, potatoes, rutabagas, cabbages, parsnips and salsify. These last two were sometimes left in the ground for the frost to sweeten and dug at intervals when the ground was thawed. Pumpkins, sweet potatoes and winter squash rested on the shelves. Apples, pears and sometimes late watermelon also found their place in the winter storage. Green tomatoes were sometimes wrapped and kept in the dark to ripen.
Onions and garlic were well-cured and then hung, ready to season the winter menu, as well as serve as germ killers. Sage, mint, sweet basil, comfrey, red peppers and other herbs were hung to dry from the rafters in the attic, or over the wood stove. These also doubled as flavoring agents as well as healing tea as the need arose.
Dried beans and peas were stored in jars in a cool place, as well as seeds. In the barn were boxes of hulled nuts and in the bins the precious grains that would be staple food for both man and beast.
These are the main foods that have their season in the winter, here in the Midwest. Let’s examine their usefulness.

Orange and Yellow: winter squash, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, carrots, rutabagas

Main Nutrient: beta carotene, pre-cursor for Vitamin A

Benefits: part of the immune system, needed for health of skin and mucus
membrane, night vision, bone growth, and numerous other important
metabolic processes.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” By keeping the immune system working in good condition we may prevent much illness through the winter months.

1 medium carrot, raw has 793 units of Vitamin A; 1 cup cooked, 1,628
1 medium sweet potato, baked in skin: 923
1 cup cubed butternut squash, richest of the squashes, about 709 units
The brighter the color, the higher the beta-carotene content

Green Vegetables: cabbages, Chinese or nappa cabbage, kale, collards, broccoli (until
late fall)

Main Nutrients: Beta carotene, Calcium, Vitamin C, folacin

Vitamin A—as described above.

Calcium—cabbage family and Kale are good sources (other dark greens contain
oxalic acid which binds the calcium). Important for health of bones, teeth,
nerves, blood clotting, muscle action as well as heartbeat, and other
metabolic systems.

Vitamin C—needed in greater amounts during fever, infections, hot weather, very
cold temperatures. It is an anti-oxidant, which protects food from being
oxidized or changed in the body in a harmful way, as the oxidation of oils.

“Vitamin C—because it can be oxidized itself—can protect other substances from this destruction. It is like a bodyguard for oxidizablesubstances; it stands ready to sacrifice its own life to save theirs.” (Understanding Nutrition, by Whitney & Hamilton, College text)

Chlorophyll—an antiseptic, a stimulant to intestines and kidneys, cleanser

Folacin—a B vitamin, necessary in all rapidly dividing cells, as red blood cells,
the villa of the intestines that is restored every three days, also so
important in pregnancy. Mostly destroyed with heat, so use some raw.

Kale: 1¼ cup raw kale = 8900 vitamin A units
Vitamin C 120 mg.
Calcium 135 mg.
Potassium 447 mg besides folacin, iron, vitamin E

In addition to the vitamin and mineral content of these green vegetables, they are high water content foods, alkaline in their reaction in digestion. Many of the winter foods are concentrated complex carbohydrate foods, necessary to keep the human body warm in cold weather. But an over abundance of acid-forming foods can overwhelm the immune system. Therefore, there must be some high water foods to balance the acid, alkaline base. Some of these should be used raw as much as possible in order to preserve not only the water, but the enzymes and water soluble vitamins.

Less colorful vegetables: White potatoes, turnips, parsnips

Main benefits: provide extra calories for cold weather and plenty of fiber.

Potatoes are fair sources of protein, vitamin C and folacin if cooked in the
Turnips are high in vitamin C, especially if used raw, but do keep much of
the vitamin when cooked. Their tops are one of the best sources of
that vitamin.
Parsnips are left in the ground over the winter to become sweet and tender,
containing calcium, iron and vitamin C.

Bulbs: onions and garlic are natural antibiotics

Benefits: Garlic protects from infection, detoxifies the body, strengthens blood
vessels, and lowers blood pressure. It aids in the treatment of
arteriosclerosis, cancer, circulatory problems, colds, flu, digestive
problems, heart disorders, sinusitis, yeast infections, fever and colds.
Onions in the raw state have many of the benefits of garlic, only in lesser

FRUIT: In our area, apples and pears are the most natural fruits for winter.

Apples and pears
ü cleansing to the system; high water content; high in fiber, pectin, which lowers cholesterol.
ü contain potassium—critical to the heart beat, helps maintain water balance. Important in nerve and muscle contraction. Plays a part in carbohydrate and protein metabolism.
ü fair sources of vitamin C
ü low glycemic index food and alkaline in their raw state unless sugar is added.

Dried fruits and vegetables
These are of great value when other fruit is not available. Their nutrients
are in a concentrated form and may have only lost some of their vitamin C. Because of high sugar content in the fruit, it should be used with wisdom.

GRAINS: winter is the main season for these foods. Grains contribute good complex carbohydrate when used in their natural state. Grain is the highest source of food energy. Also contained in these tiny packages, our Creator packed a marvelous array of vitamins and minerals plus the needed fiber, including the important B vitamins, vitamin E, protein, iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, trace minerals.
The protein in grain is incomplete, that is they are missing two or more essential amino acids. However, when combined with foods which supply the missing amino acids, they make a good contribution to the protein supply. One of the best ways to do that is to combine them with legumes. The Lord told Ezekiel to make some bread that would sustain him for a period of many days while he enacted out the siege the Lord would put on Israel. He said, “Take thou also unto thee wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentils, and millet, and fitches, and put them in one vessel, and make thee bread thereof…” (Ezekiel 4:9) Because of the combination of grains and beans, he would have had both carbohydrate and complete protein.

LEGUMES: This class of food makes possible the good supply of protein without the use of meat. Legumes are short two amino acids that wheat has in abundance, and visa versa. Also their protein can be completed with nuts, dairy foods, or a small amount of meat.
It is believed that legumes and grains constituted the pulse, which Daniel requested to replace the king’s meat.
Legumes are rich in protein and B vitamins, but low in fat, high in complex carbohydrates and fiber. Their fiber forms a gel in the intestine that carries cholesterol out of the body.

NUTS: Nuts ripen in the fall and keep well while left in the hull. After shelling, nuts should be protected by freezing or refrigeration. “One easy way to replace saturated fat with unsaturated fat is to use nuts and seeds in place of red meat.” (Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy, by Walter C. Willet, M.D., Chairman of the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health)

We have a hymn Great is Thy Faithfulness. We can trust God’s word. When He gave the instruction in Section 86 of the Doctrine and Covenants, the conventional wisdom of the day was that meat was the only way to get protein, and the more the better. It took the scientists 170 years to discover the fallacy of that. The 2005 food pyramid from Harvard School of Public Health echoes the instruction in the Word of Wisdom to “use meat sparingly.”
Meat does have its place in cold weather. Meat produces heat in the body when digested, hence one of the reasons it is not appropriate in the summer. The digestion of meat also creates toxin in the system which must be diluted with water before its excretion. During this process, it pulls calcium and other minerals from the body stores and sends them down the drain. This is a good reason for the advice to use it sparingly.
Meat contributes complete protein, iron, some of the B vitamins. Meat adds flavor and helps complete the protein of our winter bean, legume and vegetable dishes such as soup and stir fry.

Transportation in our day has made possible produce from around the world, so that it is hard to know what is “in season” in our area by walking through a super market. Some of these other things we will take advantage of. However, we have no way of knowing what methods, pesticides, fertilizers, etc., are used in those grown in other cultures. The foods we save and put away in the summer should be used as helpful for variety in the winter. But they cannot provide all of the things the Lord placed in these winter stable foods. Trust Him, ask His guidance in your kitchens. He will bless

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Homemade Cleaning Products

Do you love to clean? I don't but I do love the smell and shine of a nicely cleaned home. At one time I believed that the stronger the chemical and smell the better it cleaned. I didn't realize that the toxons in my air could cause premature aging, could screw up your hormones, cause depression, or give you greater risk for allergies or asthma...or worse.
According to the US National Center for Health Statistics, 1 in 3 people suffer from allergies, asthma, sinusitis or bronchitis. Treatment for these conditions should include reducing synthetic chemicals in the home environment.


PARABENS: These are used as a preservative and if you check labels, you'll find they're in almost everything. These are a concern because they're considered to be hormone disruptors. This means that they can mimic estrogen or interfere with your body's natural hormone and reproductive systems.

These are basically petroleum products that coat your skin like plastic, clog your pores and create a toxic buildup. They can slow cellular development and create early signs of aging. Can you believe that Minearal oils is the 2nd ingredient in most baby oils!

SODIUM LAUREL SULFATE Also known as sodium laureth sulfate is found in over 90 percent of our personal care products! These break down our skins moisture barrier, cause premature aging, irritate your skin and dry the skin out. SLS is also a prime offender because it easily penetrates the surface of your skin allowing other chemicals easy access and they can combine with other chemicals to become a nitrosamine, which is known as a carcinogen.

FRAGRANCE We see this in so many of our products. When you see the term "fragrance" think of this as a red flag, manufactures aren't required to label what is in it. One of the most frequent ingredients in fragrances is phthalates, which are endocrine disruptors! Use essential oils instead or fragrances that contain essential oils.

Lets start with Laundry Detergent. Not only do I love this recipe because it smells good and cleans well, but do you know I can make a year supply of this stuff (which is 5 batches) for only 15.00! That includes the purchase of the 5 gallon bucket too!

Liquid Laundry Detergent
1 Gallon boiling water, 2 Gallons boiling water & 1 gallon cold water (separated)
1 bar Zote soap (grated)- pink works best
2 cups borax
2 cups washing soda (not baking soda- found in laundry isle)

1. Add finely grated bar soap to the 1 gallon boiling water and stir until soap is melted. Once melted add the borax and washing soda and stir until all is dissolved. .2. Pour the soap water into a 5 gallon pail. 3. Add 2 gallons of boiling water, stir until well mixed. 4. Once mixed add 1 gallon cold water, mix, cover pail and let sit overnight. In morning add 5 - 7 drops of your favorite essential oil per gallon. Stir the soap each time you use it (it will gel). 1/4 cup of laundry soap per load. If you have a larger capacity washer or an extra dirty load use 1/2 cup. The soap will not be sudsy.

Powdered Laundry Detergent
2 cups finely grated soap
1 cup washing soda
1 cup borax
15 drops of essential oils (optional)

1. Mix well and store in an airtight container.
2. Use ¼ cup per load. This is non sudsy and can be used larger capacity washers. Works best if added to water for a while before washing to dissolve grated soap.

Orange Vinegar Window Cleaner
1/2 cup white vinegar
1 gallon warm water
4-6 orange peals (optional)

Make an infusion by placing orange peels in vinegar and sealing them in a jar. Shake daily. Leave for a min. of 3 weeks to allow the juices of the orange peal to disperse into the vinegar. This is optional yet it makes a nice smell with out the cost of fragrances.Add orange vinegar and water together in water bottle. Spray and clean as usual.
Rating: Very good. We'd been warned that plain water could do as well as a vinegar solution, but our subjective impression was that the vinegar made it a lot easier to get rid of smudges. In theory, vinegar is supposed to remove hard-water spots.
Hazards: May be hard on your hands, but safe enough to drink.
Cost: About 7 cents a gallon (not including water)

Amazing All Purpose Cleaner
1 Tablespoon Borax
1/2 cup white vinegar (you can use orange vinegar infusion from above recipe)
1/2 teaspoon Joy dishwashing detergent
2 cups very hot water
15 drops of essential oil (optional)

Combine all ingredients in a plastic spray bottle. Shake your new homemade all purpose cleaner to mix. Use anywhere as needed. Don't be fooled, this mixture is Strong enough to wipe out germs and viruses.

Multipurpose Deep Cleaner-
1/4 cup baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
1 cup household ammonia
1/2 cup white vinegar
1 gallon warm water

Mix ingredients and store in tightly capped container. Most times I believe we use the big guns to swat flys, but some times you have big flys or colds and flus and need a stronger product...yes, a chemical to kill unwanted virus and cold bugs. Here is your big gun.

Rating: Excellent. Performed as well as top-of-the-line commercial products. Uses: Many. Tile and linoleum floors, formica countertops, appliances – keep away from children!

Bathtub and Sink Scrub: (like Ajax)
1 cup Baking Soda
1 tsp cream of tarter
1 ml or 15 drops of Essential oils (optional- I love tea tree and peppermint)
Mix well and use as needed.

Rating: Excellent. Performed as well as top-of-the-line commercial products, just took a little more elbow grease. use to clean kitchen and bathroom sinks, baths and toilets. This one will leave your home smelling oh so good!

Furniture Polish
1/2 tsp olive oil
1/4 cup vinegar

Stir, add to cloth and clean! The vinegar pulls the durt out of the wood and the oil lubricates the wood.

Crazy to think I know. Check your labels, most furniture polish contains petrolium which is highly neurotic. Just the smell in the air can lead to bad moods and drpression.

DO NOT MIX BLEACH WITH VINEGAR, TOILET BOWL CLEANER, OR AMMONIA. The combination of bleach with any of these substances produces a toxic gas which can be hazardous. We want to save money without jeopardizing our lives!

Baking Soda- Extremely versatile, baking soda is an all-purpose, non-toxic cleaner. It cleans, deodorizes, scours, polishes and removes stains. There are entire books out about the zillions of uses of baking soda, and the best thing about it is that it's cheap!

Borax:(sodium borate) It deodorizes, removes stains and boosts the cleaning power of soap. It also prevents mold and odors. Great alternative for those who do not want to use bleach.
Cornstarch: cleans and deodorizes carpets and rugs, you can use this to replace expensive "baby powders" also.

Ketchup-great for cleaning copper

Lemon juice-great for whitening items, but vinegar is cheaper . It also cuts through grease and stains on aluminum and porcelain
Pure Soap: cleans just about anything and is mild
Salt: believe it or not, regular table salt makes an abrasive, but gentle, scouring powder. Who would have known?

Washing Soda:(sodium carbonate) Cuts grease and disinfects. It will also increase the cleaning power of soap.

White Vinegar -very cheap and versatile, great for whitening, also fantastic for cleaning hard surfaces, windows and shining up metal surfaces. Removes mildew, stains, grease and wax buildup. This is another natural cleaner that whole books have been written on! The acidic vinegar kills viruses, mold, and bacteria, so you can rest assured that your homemade cleaner is just as effective as any cleaner you can purchase, while being cheaper and gentler on the environment

If you don't think your home or office is polluted, think again! There's benzene found in oils, plastics, inks, formaldehyde found in foam insulation, particle board and again...MOST CLEANING AGENTS.


Here are the best ones to use:
Plants can help eleviate sore throats, headaches, irritated eyes and stuffy noses. TRY THEM!

*Get the smell of gasoline off your hands by rubbing them with salt.



Monday, December 20, 2010


Black Walnut- Parasite cleaner
Black Walnut oxygenates the blood and thereby kills parasites and is very useful in helping to balance sugar levels. By oxygenating the blood it also helps to burn up excess toxins and fatty materials in the system which will be carried out by other herbs such as Echinacea. It is also useful for hemorrhoids, varicose veins, ulcers, dandruff ringworm and all types of worms.

Cloves-the parasite and worm dispeller

: The Blood balancer.
This herb is a great food for the circulatory system in that it feeds the necessary elements into the cell structure of the arteries, veins and capillaries so that these regain the eleasticity of youth again, and the blood pressure adjusts itself to normal. Useful in cramps, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, kidneys and wonderful preventive of shock.

Comfrey-The skin and bone mender
“It does not seem to matter much which part of the body is broken, either internally or externally; comfrey will heal it quickly” Dr. Shook

Echinacea- Immune Inhancer
Fights inflammation and bacterial and viral infection. Great for lymphatic and immune ststem.

Garlic –Natural antibiotic
4 cloves of garlic are equal to a dose a penicillin

Kelp-Thyroid improver

Licorice-Mucus clearing herb
Great for colds and improve adrenal function. For Asthma drink licorice and ginger tea. To relieve the congestion and cough and alleviate breathlessness

Lobelia-The Thinking Herb
Lobelia is the most powerful relaxant in the herb kingdom and has no harmful effects. Such a smart herb the increases the power of other herbs and if you have taken too much it will make you throw up! Lobelia is a general corrector of the whole system.

Ginko Biloba- Memory Booster

Ginseng-Strengthens adrenal & reproductive glands and enhances immune and lung function. Eases stress and increases energy.

Golden Seal-Infection fighter
Strengthens immune system, colon, liver, pancreas, spleen, lymph and respiratory systems. Should not be used during long periods of time.

Ginger-The travel herb

Lavender-The soothing herb
Relieves stress and depression, beneficial for skin, burns headaches and emotional distress.

Milk Thistle-The liver herb
Protects the liver from toxins and pollutants by preventing free radical damage and stimulates the production of new liver cells. (not as effective as a tea)

Mullein-painkiller and sleep aid.
Acts as a laxative, clears congestion and helps with breathing difficulty and swollen glands.

Peppermint-Digestion aid
Increases stomach acidity, aiding digestion. Useful for chills, colic, indigestion and spasms.

Plantain-Natures skin healer
Found within 200 yards of any poisonous plant. Plantain has a healing, antibiotic and styptic effect when used topically for sores, bites and wounds.

Red Raspberry-The woman’s herb
Reduces menstrual bleeding, relaxes uterine and intestinal spasms and strengthens uterine walls. Packed full of vitamins and minerals and promotes healthy nails, bones, teeth and skin. Everything needed to grow a healthy baby.

St. John’s Wart-The depression herb
Good for nerve pain, back pain and helps control stress.

Yarrow-The fever Herb
Great for colds, fevers and incases of abstructed perspiration. Can stop internal bleeding. Creates a Numbing effect topically

HEBS IN A VITAMIN_MINERAL FORMULA: Licorice root, chamomile, comfrey, capsicum, golden seal, alfalfa, kelp, parsley.

Weightloss herbs:
Kelp, Chickweed, Licorice, Black Walnut, Echinacea, Fennel, Dandelion root, Parsley, papaya fruit.

Herbal Preparations (from Renewal Retrete)

Hi there! Sorry to those renewists who purchased my Herbal Preparations kit and have been waiting for the recipes. With water to my basement computer room and a crashed computer I appologize for not getting these to you sooner. I lost the PDF file in my crashed computer so below are the recipes you can use for the herbs in your kit. Don't hesitat calling if you have questions. Heres you you in 2011!!

Raspberry/Peppermint Tea For PMS, hormone imbalance & general colds

In general use 1 TBS herb to 1 cup Hot water and steep for 10 minutes (roots and bark longer-see Decoxtion). Heat water (do not boil) and add herb. Strain and drink hot or cold.

Licorice Decoxtion For decreasing excess Mucus

In general use 1 TBS herb to 1 Cup hot water. Heat water (do not boil) and add licorice root or stick. Let steep for min. of 30 minutes up to one day depending on size of licorice (smaller pieces -shorter time; bigger chunks-longer time). The flavor gets stronger the longer it sits. Do not throw out after 1st batch. you can make 2 more batches with this herb. (2nd batch always tastes better too!)

Note: Licorice is 50x stronger than sugar.

Immune Tincture Contains: Glycerin & Echinacea (add garlic & Goldensceal for extra immune boost

Take a glass jar and fill 1/3 –1/2 of herb. Cover the herb with Vegetable Glycerin, or Vodka. Add just a little water on top of this.. Cap the jar and set it in a dark, cool place for about 3 weeks (shake mixture daily). Then, strain off and discard herbs saving the liquid herbal tincture in glass containers that are clearly labeled and capped.

What is Vegetable Glycerin?Glycerites (tinctures/extracts made with glycerine) are syrupy liquids that provide an alcohol-free alternative to the more popular alcohol tincture. Glycerine has a sweet taste but doesn't affect sugar levels. It is preferred by children over an alcohol or vinegar tincture. We normally mix our glycerites with alcohol tinctures to reduce the sweetness. Some have used honey or even sugar syrup in the place of glycerine but the taste is less than desirable!As with all remedies, directions for making glycerites vary from one book to another.
QUICKER METHOD FOR MAKING TINCTURES:After placing the herbs in the jar closing the jar tightly, place it in a crock-pot with a small towel underneath to keep the jar from breaking. Fill the crock-pot with water up to the top of the jar (not touching the lid), and leave it on the lowest setting for 3 days, keeping the glycerine hot but not boiling, and add water as necessary.
After about 3 days, carefully strain the hot and sticky herbal mixture through a cheesecloth into a glass container. Squeeze the herbs a bit, pour a small amount of boiling water over them, and then discard them. Close tightly and label the glycerite tincture. We have kept and used our tinctures for several years

Soothing Massage oil(Lavender & Chamomile)
Place herbs in a jar (usually 1/3 of jar full of herbs). Top herbs with oil (Olive, Grapeseed, Almond-don’t use vegetable oil) Close lid and place in a dark cool area. Shake or stir herbs every day. In 2 weeks strain off herb and Volla! (2 weeks for use-let it sit for an additional 4 weeks to strip all of the essential vitamins and minerals out of the herb for a stronger oil) Perfect for using as a Base for your essential oils for for a relaxing after bath rub for a baby.
Lavender & Chamomile are wonderful for soothing and replenishing dead skin cells, decreasing stress and relaxing the nerves. Great for Children and adults and even your animals!
Tip: Try St. Johns Wart massage oil. St. Johns wart is one of the greatest herbs for depression and it is wonderful for back pain. I always have some of this on hand for my clients as a base oil.

Green Owie OintmentPlantain, Comfrey & Cayenne
Place herbs in jar covered by oil and heat in crockpot-use same method as mentioned in the tincture section.
To make the oil into a salve you need bees wax. You need approximately 1 TBS oof grated beeswax for 3-4 TBS of infused oil.
On low heat, warm oil and bees wax until wax is all melted.
Add a drop of vitamin E oil for every ounce of oil. This is a natural preservative.
While salve is still hot, pour into your container (wide mouth jar, can, etc.).
Let sit over night or until salve is hard.
Screw a lid on tight and label with name and date. Voila!! You have a salve.
Got an owie? No matter what it is a bug bite, sting, cute, rash you name it these herbs are wonderful for drawing out poisons, rebuilding the skin and bone and bring blood to the surface to heal the wound faster.

Don't know what an herb is good for?SEE HERB SECTION FOR BENNEFITS OF EACH HERB.