Monday, December 20, 2010


Black Walnut- Parasite cleaner
Black Walnut oxygenates the blood and thereby kills parasites and is very useful in helping to balance sugar levels. By oxygenating the blood it also helps to burn up excess toxins and fatty materials in the system which will be carried out by other herbs such as Echinacea. It is also useful for hemorrhoids, varicose veins, ulcers, dandruff ringworm and all types of worms.

Cloves-the parasite and worm dispeller

: The Blood balancer.
This herb is a great food for the circulatory system in that it feeds the necessary elements into the cell structure of the arteries, veins and capillaries so that these regain the eleasticity of youth again, and the blood pressure adjusts itself to normal. Useful in cramps, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, kidneys and wonderful preventive of shock.

Comfrey-The skin and bone mender
“It does not seem to matter much which part of the body is broken, either internally or externally; comfrey will heal it quickly” Dr. Shook

Echinacea- Immune Inhancer
Fights inflammation and bacterial and viral infection. Great for lymphatic and immune ststem.

Garlic –Natural antibiotic
4 cloves of garlic are equal to a dose a penicillin

Kelp-Thyroid improver

Licorice-Mucus clearing herb
Great for colds and improve adrenal function. For Asthma drink licorice and ginger tea. To relieve the congestion and cough and alleviate breathlessness

Lobelia-The Thinking Herb
Lobelia is the most powerful relaxant in the herb kingdom and has no harmful effects. Such a smart herb the increases the power of other herbs and if you have taken too much it will make you throw up! Lobelia is a general corrector of the whole system.

Ginko Biloba- Memory Booster

Ginseng-Strengthens adrenal & reproductive glands and enhances immune and lung function. Eases stress and increases energy.

Golden Seal-Infection fighter
Strengthens immune system, colon, liver, pancreas, spleen, lymph and respiratory systems. Should not be used during long periods of time.

Ginger-The travel herb

Lavender-The soothing herb
Relieves stress and depression, beneficial for skin, burns headaches and emotional distress.

Milk Thistle-The liver herb
Protects the liver from toxins and pollutants by preventing free radical damage and stimulates the production of new liver cells. (not as effective as a tea)

Mullein-painkiller and sleep aid.
Acts as a laxative, clears congestion and helps with breathing difficulty and swollen glands.

Peppermint-Digestion aid
Increases stomach acidity, aiding digestion. Useful for chills, colic, indigestion and spasms.

Plantain-Natures skin healer
Found within 200 yards of any poisonous plant. Plantain has a healing, antibiotic and styptic effect when used topically for sores, bites and wounds.

Red Raspberry-The woman’s herb
Reduces menstrual bleeding, relaxes uterine and intestinal spasms and strengthens uterine walls. Packed full of vitamins and minerals and promotes healthy nails, bones, teeth and skin. Everything needed to grow a healthy baby.

St. John’s Wart-The depression herb
Good for nerve pain, back pain and helps control stress.

Yarrow-The fever Herb
Great for colds, fevers and incases of abstructed perspiration. Can stop internal bleeding. Creates a Numbing effect topically

HEBS IN A VITAMIN_MINERAL FORMULA: Licorice root, chamomile, comfrey, capsicum, golden seal, alfalfa, kelp, parsley.

Weightloss herbs:
Kelp, Chickweed, Licorice, Black Walnut, Echinacea, Fennel, Dandelion root, Parsley, papaya fruit.

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