Monday, December 20, 2010

Herbal Preparations (from Renewal Retrete)

Hi there! Sorry to those renewists who purchased my Herbal Preparations kit and have been waiting for the recipes. With water to my basement computer room and a crashed computer I appologize for not getting these to you sooner. I lost the PDF file in my crashed computer so below are the recipes you can use for the herbs in your kit. Don't hesitat calling if you have questions. Heres you you in 2011!!

Raspberry/Peppermint Tea For PMS, hormone imbalance & general colds

In general use 1 TBS herb to 1 cup Hot water and steep for 10 minutes (roots and bark longer-see Decoxtion). Heat water (do not boil) and add herb. Strain and drink hot or cold.

Licorice Decoxtion For decreasing excess Mucus

In general use 1 TBS herb to 1 Cup hot water. Heat water (do not boil) and add licorice root or stick. Let steep for min. of 30 minutes up to one day depending on size of licorice (smaller pieces -shorter time; bigger chunks-longer time). The flavor gets stronger the longer it sits. Do not throw out after 1st batch. you can make 2 more batches with this herb. (2nd batch always tastes better too!)

Note: Licorice is 50x stronger than sugar.

Immune Tincture Contains: Glycerin & Echinacea (add garlic & Goldensceal for extra immune boost

Take a glass jar and fill 1/3 –1/2 of herb. Cover the herb with Vegetable Glycerin, or Vodka. Add just a little water on top of this.. Cap the jar and set it in a dark, cool place for about 3 weeks (shake mixture daily). Then, strain off and discard herbs saving the liquid herbal tincture in glass containers that are clearly labeled and capped.

What is Vegetable Glycerin?Glycerites (tinctures/extracts made with glycerine) are syrupy liquids that provide an alcohol-free alternative to the more popular alcohol tincture. Glycerine has a sweet taste but doesn't affect sugar levels. It is preferred by children over an alcohol or vinegar tincture. We normally mix our glycerites with alcohol tinctures to reduce the sweetness. Some have used honey or even sugar syrup in the place of glycerine but the taste is less than desirable!As with all remedies, directions for making glycerites vary from one book to another.
QUICKER METHOD FOR MAKING TINCTURES:After placing the herbs in the jar closing the jar tightly, place it in a crock-pot with a small towel underneath to keep the jar from breaking. Fill the crock-pot with water up to the top of the jar (not touching the lid), and leave it on the lowest setting for 3 days, keeping the glycerine hot but not boiling, and add water as necessary.
After about 3 days, carefully strain the hot and sticky herbal mixture through a cheesecloth into a glass container. Squeeze the herbs a bit, pour a small amount of boiling water over them, and then discard them. Close tightly and label the glycerite tincture. We have kept and used our tinctures for several years

Soothing Massage oil(Lavender & Chamomile)
Place herbs in a jar (usually 1/3 of jar full of herbs). Top herbs with oil (Olive, Grapeseed, Almond-don’t use vegetable oil) Close lid and place in a dark cool area. Shake or stir herbs every day. In 2 weeks strain off herb and Volla! (2 weeks for use-let it sit for an additional 4 weeks to strip all of the essential vitamins and minerals out of the herb for a stronger oil) Perfect for using as a Base for your essential oils for for a relaxing after bath rub for a baby.
Lavender & Chamomile are wonderful for soothing and replenishing dead skin cells, decreasing stress and relaxing the nerves. Great for Children and adults and even your animals!
Tip: Try St. Johns Wart massage oil. St. Johns wart is one of the greatest herbs for depression and it is wonderful for back pain. I always have some of this on hand for my clients as a base oil.

Green Owie OintmentPlantain, Comfrey & Cayenne
Place herbs in jar covered by oil and heat in crockpot-use same method as mentioned in the tincture section.
To make the oil into a salve you need bees wax. You need approximately 1 TBS oof grated beeswax for 3-4 TBS of infused oil.
On low heat, warm oil and bees wax until wax is all melted.
Add a drop of vitamin E oil for every ounce of oil. This is a natural preservative.
While salve is still hot, pour into your container (wide mouth jar, can, etc.).
Let sit over night or until salve is hard.
Screw a lid on tight and label with name and date. Voila!! You have a salve.
Got an owie? No matter what it is a bug bite, sting, cute, rash you name it these herbs are wonderful for drawing out poisons, rebuilding the skin and bone and bring blood to the surface to heal the wound faster.

Don't know what an herb is good for?SEE HERB SECTION FOR BENNEFITS OF EACH HERB.

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